Tuesday 4 February 2014

Bad ace Race plates Jersey Design

Recently I was asked to produce a design for Bad Ace Race plates Custom Bmx race Jersey, Today i have finished it. What do you think??

Stak Clothing
Custom Bmx Race Jerseys , Motocross Jerseys, Down hill Jerseys.


The Helmet Article


Words by David Ferguson
Helmets, whether we are talking about metal helmets used for armor in medieval times or the common bicycle helmet you see now a days, they have been around forever. Yet the helmets purpose remained the same over hundreds of years… To protect the wearers head.
I was at my local skatepark today when I realized I was one of the few riders there with a helmet on. Sure there were a few other dudes with theirs on but for the most part, hardly anyone wears them! It was rather disturbing to say the least. As I’m thinking about it, I look over to a local kid I see very often. Travis was his name, he, a few weeks before fell rather hard. He hit his head and sent himself into a seizure. He had a pretty serious concussion that could have been avoided if he had a helmet on. So I’m sitting here atop the bowl watching Travis shred. He was cruising toward a quarter pipe that I’ve seen him hit hundreds of times. Next thing I knew he was on the ground. His tire got hung up on coping and sent him over the bars to flat, his hands never let go of the bars so his face broke his fall. Looking down I saw a pool of blood forming from under him. He was conscious and talking but in a load of pain. His nose looked as though it had been punched by Tyson and his teeth and mouth were covered in blood. Luckily for Travis, he had his helmet on. I do not think he would have walked out of that bowl if he had not had it on.
Travis face wreck
Travis was then taken to the hospital by friends.
As I look around and see the amount of shredding that is ensuing I wonder how many of these kids have actually fallen hard enough and rung their bell. After so many of them just watched one of their own nearly break his face, yet continue to ride without a helmet. I hope none of them ever have to experience the throbbing “I’m going to die” feeling of hitting your head but at the same time maybe if their forehead became friends with the ground they would get some sense knocked into them… Literally.
I understand what it means to be young and feel like you are invincible. Riding BMX definitely increases that feel of invincibility. It is a sport that increases our pain threshold to more than the common man would find comfortable. We, over the years of riding and falling, become more welcome and used to pain as it hits us, and before we know it, what most people would be hitting the hospital for, we simply apply ice and take Tylenol. We begin to understand how bad an injury is and more knowledgeable as to what will help us heal. However, hitting your head is not something that we (or any person for that matter) will ever be able to find comfort in. It is vital to our existence and to our life on a bicycle to protect our heads.
I went years riding without a helmet, each time I fell I was lucky enough to not hit my head, or at least not hit it hard enough to do permanent damage. Though my day came a few months back. I was at my local park, the same I was today, did a toboggan air and my hand (covered in sweat) slipped off my grip and I fell straight to flat. My head hit the ground rather hard. I was not wearing a helmet. I sat there for a few minutes trying to get my vision back. My head was throbbing with pain and I thought “this is it, I really fucked up this time”… Thankfully, everything worked out and besides an extreme head ache and some dizziness, I walked away. Since that day I have not ridden without my helmet on.
So why do so many kids ride without one?
I blame it on the same reason I never wore one. It didn’t make you look “cool”. Nobody wanted to see an edit or a video part where the rider was wearing a helmet. It looked bulky and less natural, your hat couldn’t fly off when you did a spin, how were we to get street points if our hats can’t fall off? You look out there on any site or any video part and maybe you’ll see a few clips where riders have helmets on, mostly involving skate parks that require them. Its wild! You would think anyone who has hit their head or had a close call would strap one on.
That is where freedom comes in to play. Bmx is a sport that most of us got into because of the freedom a bicycle can give us. There is hardly any better feeling, to me at least, than just cruising down the street, being free, and having no person to tell you what you can or cannot do. With that said, no person can tell you to wear or not to wear your helmet. You as a rider must decide to wear one. If you are confident in your abilities and you believe wearing a helmet is not for you, then by all means, don’t wear one. However, like Mike Aitken once said, “It only takes once.”